Belarusbank ready to face future

New Belarusbank central office launches in Minsk
The Prime Minister of Belarus, Mikhail Myasnikovich, attended the celebratory opening event, congratulating Belarusbank staff on their new building and on their 90th anniversary. “Belarusbank is a pillar of our state, skilfully supporting our national economy’s strengths and the potential in our families,” he stressed. He added that, despite economic difficulties, Belarusbank had found effective mechanisms for solving problems.

“Over the next ten or, at the very most, twenty, years, the world will fundamentally change, as will the economy of Belarus. Traditional products and services now being over produced here and all over the world won’t ensure rapid growth — as required by society and every family. Belarusbank is ready to face future challenges, having huge intellectual potential and enormous financial capacity; nearly half of all our bank assets are held by Belarusbank,” emphasised Mr. Myasnikovich. He stresses that the most important resource held by the bank is its staff since they are responsible ‘for the new initiatives and new banking technologies being implemented’. He hopes that these will continue to be a priority and noted that Belarusbank is known far beyond Belarus, being respected around the globe.
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