Posted: 22.05.2024 15:38:00

First human case of bird flu in Australia: child infected

The authorities of the Australian state of Victoria have informed about the first recorded case of human infection with avian influenza A (H10N5) virus, TASS reports


Victoria’s health officials made a statement that a minor who had returned to Australia from abroad in March this year became a patient with the confirmed diagnosis of avian flu, “The child experienced a severe infection but is no longer unwell and has made a full recovery.” As noted by the Department of Health, ‘there is no evidence of transmission in Victoria’.

The facts of human infection with bird flu are rare. According to WHO statistics, from 2003 to April 1st, 2024, a total of 889 cases of the disease and 463 deaths due to infection with this virus were registered worldwide. Infections in humans ranged from mild and even asymptomatic to severe. In accordance with international health regulations, countries are required to inform WHO if human infection with the animal influenza virus is detected.