Posted: 07.09.2023 12:51:00

President of Equatorial Guinea: Belarus is our brotherly country, and Belarusians are brotherly people

Belarus is a fraternal country for the Republic of Equatorial Guinea – as stated by the President of Equatorial Guinea, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, during his talks with the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, in a narrow format


First of all, Obiang Nguema thanked the Belarusian leader for the warm welcome and hospitality, and also apologised that the previously planned visit had to be postponed due to the working schedule. “My visit to Belarus is evidence of my conviction that Belarus is a fraternal country for us, and Belarusians are a fraternal people,” he said.

The leader of Equatorial Guinea noted that he would like to take the opportunity to discuss all the issues on the bilateral agenda, as well as discuss existing co-operation projects, “Our bilateral agenda of negotiations should include discussion of international issues that exist today. At the same time, I emphasise: we do not forget that it was the Soviet Union, the countries of the former USSR that played a big role in the liberation of the African continent from colonial dependence, and continue to do so.”

Obiang Nguema added that a number of African states are approaching the celebration of the 100th anniversary of independence, but nominal independence is sometimes meant, “We continue to be victims of neo-colonialism, we continue to feel the pressure of those countries that are trying to continue this policy. If extreme poverty continues to exist on the African continent to this day, it means that imperial neo-colonial forces continue to exploit our countries, take away natural resources and suck the life juices out of us.”

African states have repeatedly stated about all these situations and problems from the rostrum of the UN, but, as practice has shown, the situation has not changed, stated Obiang Nguema.