Posted: 14.02.2024 09:21:00

Lukashenko: national representative office is our pride and bright star in Mir TV and Radio Company large constellation

The President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, has congratulated the staff of the national branch (representative office) of the Mir Interstate TV and Radio Company on the 30th anniversary of its creation in Belarus – as reported by the Belarusian leader’s press service

“Over these years, your team has achieved the main thing, winning the trust of tens of millions of residents of the vast Eurasian space. Today, the representative office is our pride and a bright star in the large constellation of Mir Interstate TV and Radio Company,” the congratulatory message reads.

The Head of State drew attention to the fact that the current anniversary coincides with a very difficult and eventful time, “Right now, the work of journalists – ready to defend the country’s position in word and deed – is of particular importance.”

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that thanks to news materials and documentary projects of the Mir employees, those in the CIS member states are aware about the life of Belarus, its people and achievements.

The President wished the staff of the Mir Interstate TV and Radio Company representative office strong health, professional development and new creative success.