Posted: 03.06.2022 20:31:00

Lukashenko informed Guterres on readiness to supply Ukrainian grain to Baltic ports via Belarus

The President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, has held a telephone conversation with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres today – as informed by the Belarusian leader’s press service

The sides discussed the most pressing issues on the agenda, in particular focusing on the topic of grain export from the territory of Ukraine.

The Head of State clearly outlined a position on the issue: Belarus is ready to supply Ukrainian grain to the Baltic ports through its territory. Belarus is also ready to provide all possible assistance for grain transhipment by Belarusian railway transport, and to allocate the required capacities for this.

Aleksandr Lukashenko invited the UN Secretary-General to negotiate the problems related to this issue with participation of representatives of Belarus, Ukraine and the Baltic States (ready to provide ports). The main thing, as it was stressed during the conversation, is that these ports (Germany, Poland, the Baltic States and Russia) should be open to Belarusian goods. That means, by creating conditions for the transit of Ukrainian grain, Belarus should be able to expect these ports would be open to its own goods.

Antonio Guterres asked for a short pause of a few days to talk with the leadership of the countries concerned and to determine the terms of supply of Ukrainian grain to international markets through Belarus.