Posted: 09.12.2023 10:20:00

Lukashenko expressed confidence in further expansion of Belarus-Tanzania ties

The President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, on behalf of the Belarusian people and himself, congratulated President of Tanzania Samia Suluhu Hassan and the people of this country on Independence Day – as reported by the Belarusian leader’s press service


“Over the years of sovereignty, your country has managed to achieve obvious progress, successfully solving the most important socio-economic problems. Belarus is ready to work together in order to efficiently use existing opportunities, increase the volume of bilateral trade, and form a legal framework for interaction. I note the significant potential for the development of co-operation between our states in the agriculture, industry and tourism,” the congratulatory message reads.

The Belarusian Head of State expressed confidence in the further expansion of Belarusian-Tanzanian ties and wished Samia Suluhu Hassan strong health and success, and well-being and prosperity to the people of Tanzania.