Posted: 25.10.2022 09:37:00

Lukashenko congratulates servicemen on the day of formation of the President’s Security Service

The President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, has sent greetings to soldiers, officers, employees and veterans of the Security Service of the President of the Republic of Belarus on the day of its formation – as reported in the Belarusian leader’s press service

“For more than a quarter of a century, you have always been at a combat post, performing at the highest professional level the most important tasks that face state security agencies,” the congratulatory message reads.

According to the Head of State, it is gratifying that in difficult times for the country, the servicemen of the Security Service showed determination and courage, becoming a reliable shield against encroachments on the interests of the Belarusian people and state.

The President of Belarus underlined that being faithful to their military duty, officer honour and oath, they deservedly enjoy great authority and respect in society.

Aleksandr Lukashenko is convinced that each of them will continue to be a model of patriotism and devotion to their native Belarus.

“I thank you for the impeccable service, decency, competence, and reliability. I wish you new successes in your responsible activities for the sake of the prosperity of the Fatherland,” he noted, wishing them and their families strong health, happiness and prosperity.