Posted: 09.12.2023 17:02:00

Lukashenko arrived to Equatorial Guinea on official visit

The President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko, has arrived in Equatorial Guinea on an official visit. As reported by BelTA, his plane landed at the airport of the capital city of Malabo.

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At the airport, Belarus’ Head of State was welcomed by the country's Vice President, Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue.

Not only officials, but also numerous local residents and artistic teams were waiting for the Belarusian leader at the airport. The host party prepared traditional African songs and dances and actually did everything to ensure that the meeting of Aleksandr Lukashenko was not only full of equatorial warmth, but also filled with an atmosphere of sincere friendship and hospitality.

Equatorial Guinea is located in the central part of Africa, on the west coast of the mainland. The country consists of the continental part and islands in the Gulf of Guinea. The largest of them, Bioko Island, is home to the capital city of Malabo – which is the main economic, commercial, cultural and educational centre of Equatorial Guinea. Its population is about 300 thousand people.

Interestingly, a project is currently being implemented in Equatorial Guinea to build a new capital of the country, which is designed to replace Malabo in this status. The city is located in the east of the continental part of the country and was formerly called Oyala; in 2020, it was renamed Ciudad de la Paz (city of peace). The initiative to move the capital belongs to the President of Equatorial Guinea, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo. It is assumed that the new capital will combine new trends in architecture and traditional cultural elements, promote the identity of the city. It is expected that renewable energy sources will play a large role in the urban economy.

The heads of Belarusian ministries and organisations are already in Malabo: on the eve of the visit and high-level talks, they held fruitful meetings with their colleagues in Equatorial Guinea.

As reported by BelTA, on September 6th-8, 2023th, the President of Equatorial Guinea, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, paid an official visit to Belarus. It was followed by active work at the level of governments and departments of the two countries. For example, the first meeting of the permanent intergovernmental commission on co-operation was held in Minsk in October. In November, a representative Belarusian delegation headed by Foreign Minister Sergei Aleinik visited Malabo, and – following the results of its work – the prospects of co-operation between the two countries in the fields of agriculture, health, education and others were discussed in detail. The President of Equatorial Guinea confirmed the invitation to the President of Belarus to visit his country, stressing that they were waiting and seriously preparing for the arrival of the Belarusian leader. In this regard, considerable attention was paid to the agenda of the upcoming negotiations at the highest level.
