Posted: 28.05.2024 12:22:00

Lukashenko: all share single responsibility – to save the country and the world

The information warfare is a prelude to a hot phase of confrontation, and everyone’s responsibility at their own level to save the country and the world – as stated by President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko at Belarus’ Media Community Forum in Mogilev today


Addressing the media community, the Head of State stressed, “We primarily work as a single whole, and we all share a single responsibility: to save the country and the world. You studied history, you think analytically, see analogies and know what it means to carry this responsibility on your shoulders.”

The Belarusian leader added that he is very closely following the rhetoric of Belarusian journalists and experts, especially those who are constantly in the fore, “You deeply understand the topic of hybrid aggression, which we have been resisting since we began to take the first sovereign steps – when we were holding referendums, saving people's property and independently making the most important decisions. Ever since we made it clear that we would pursue an independent policy, we have been living under constant criticism, lies, and absurd accusations. These are terabytes of fabricated and generously paid media fakes spread under a beautiful wrapper. A lot of negativity is pouring out, including on you, your families and friends, and it is all going through your minds and hearts.”

As noted by Aleksandr Lukashenko, this is a tremendous burden that requires a huge concentration of efforts to protect Belarus’ information space. “Actually, there is no other way. It is only possible to preserve the sovereignty of the country – that is at the epicentre of global geopolitical contradictions – in this way,” he stressed.

The Head of State shared his observation with the forum participants, “While getting prepared for our today’s meeting, I tried to remember when such concepts as ‘information warfare’, ‘mental war’, ‘fakes’, ‘post-truth’ and others joined our vocabulary. It happened not long ago, just about 6-7 years ago. Meanwhile, it is hardly possible to count how old the phenomena they name are. Probably, they are as old as humanity.”

The President emphasised, “Information warfare is a prelude to a hot phase of confrontation. It is disinformation, attempts to mislead the alleged enemy, immerse it in a fog of useless information. It includes attempts to confuse, make people doubt their values, beliefs, and powers. The plot is as ancient as the world.”