Posted: 29.05.2024 13:00:00

Lukashenko about who taught him how to cook pilaf

President Aleksandr Lukashenko has been presented with several products that Legmash plant manufactures during the Belarusian leader’s visit to the company today. Among them was a large cast-iron cauldron for cooking pilaf. The Head of State thanked for the gift and said that he cooks this dish well as President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon taught him this during his visits to this country.

“True, I can cook pilaf. I am sure that no one can do it like me," the President said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko said that he always prefers ordinary, simple rustic dishes, to which he has long been accustomed. The President stressed that the Soviet Union had very good recipes for cooking many products, and – at his insistence – many recipes of that time are now being restored and returned to production.
