Posted: 20.09.2021 13:52:00

Better infrastructure for disabled

In the coming five years, almost 8,000 facilities of social and transport infrastructure, street and road network are to be revamped to meet the needs of people with disabilities – as reported by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection   

More than $120m will be spent to create accessible environment for physically impaired people. A whole range of measures is being implemented as part of the 2021-2025 Social Protection state programme which envisages creation of unhindered access to social and transport infrastructure objects for people with disabilities.

In the coming future, additional rooms will be available in health resorts and hotels for those with special needs. Personnel will undergo training to learn how to properly assist guests with disabilities. Passenger transport will be also adapted – to have a low floor and visual information systems. Traffic lights with synchronous sound signals will be installed near pedestrian crossings.

In turn, the Belarusian Railway plans to purchase cars with seats for the disabled.

As for the banking system, self-service devices – ATMs, payment and reference terminals – will be revamped to ensure visually impaired people could use them. State TV channels will continue to produce TV programmes for those with hearing impairments, while sight-disabled children will have access to a wider choice of Braille books. Library collections countrywide will be replenished with publications for blind and visually impaired users.