Posted: 21.02.2022 13:15:00

Allied Resolve 2022 preliminary results summed up in Minsk

To sum up the results of the Allied Resolve 2022 joint operational exercises and honour the best, the participants gathered in the Central House of Officers in Minsk

In a solemn atmosphere, Belarus’ Defence Minister, Lieutenant-General Viktor Khrenin, thanked the servicemen, “The exercises are completed, and it is already possible to draw the first conclusions. The difficult military-political situation that has developed around our state leaves nothing else but to strengthen our military-political alliances, which is what we are doing. The Russian Federation is the main and most reliable strategic alliance for us. An analysis of the situation shows the correctness of the decisions taken in carrying out both unscheduled and planned activities, including the Allied Resolve 2022 exercises,” underlined Mr. Khrenin.

The Defence Minister named ‘the readiness to defend the country demonstrated to the whole world, as well as clear and well-coordinated fulfilment of all the tasks set’ as the most important results.