The Palace of Independence recently hosted the inauguration ceremony of the newly elected President of Belarus

Together into a new day

The Palace of Independence recently hosted the inauguration ceremony of the newly elected President of Belarus

with over a thousand guests invited: top executives, deputies of the House of Representatives, members of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly, heads of various levels, diplomats and foreign guests. The event was opened by the Chair of the Central Election Commission, Lidia Yermoshina, who announced the CEC’s decision on the results of the Presidential elections and invited Alexander Lukashenko to take the Oath of the President of the Republic of Belarus. Its text includes just 30 words yet they fully reflect the obligations taken by the head of state:

‘Assuming the office of the President of the Republic of Belarus, I solemnly swear to faithfully serve the people of the Republic of Belarus, to respect and to protect the rights and freedoms of man and of the citizen, to observe and to protect the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, and to fulfil strictly and conscientiously the lofty duties that have been bestowed upon me’.

Then the national anthem played, and all those present took up the words, following the choir.

Ms. Yermoshina granted a Certificate of the President to Mr. Lukashenko. Then he was addressed with congratulations by the heads of the legislative and judicial branches — chairmen of the Council of the Republic, Mikhail Myasnikovich, and of the Constitutional Court, Piotr Miklashevich. Afterwards Mr. Lukashenko had the floor.

The President’s speech was interrupted by applauses many times. Its keynote is that the country preserves its course for steady development, without shocks and risky social experiments. A person is the major figure, and the whole state policy is subjected to their needs and hopes. We don’t create any inconveniences to our neighbours on the international arena. We respect each sovereign state and expect the same attitude towards us. This has been an unchanged course of development of the Belarusian state for the last twenty years and it will be continued.

The second part of the solemn ceremony was held on the Square of the State Flag, where representatives of all state agencies gathered. Mr. Lukashenko wore the uniform of Commander-in-Chief to address them.

On behalf of all men in uniform, the State Secretary of the Security Council, Stanislav Zas, read the words of the oath of allegiance to the nation and to the elected President, “We assure the whole Belarusian nation and You, Mr. Commander-in-Chief, that we will always be ready to reliably protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our Homeland. Today, at the inauguration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, we solemnly swear to bear the distinguished title of defenders of the Fatherland with dignity and honour, to selflessly serve the Belarusian nation and the President of the Republic of Belarus, and to protect our Homeland fearlessly, and skilfully, sparing no effort or life.”

The triple ‘swear’ was heard among the soldiers and the serious ceremony concluded with a solemn march by the Guards of Honour.

The ‘Together into a New Day’ festive concert was later held at the Independence Palace, dedicated to the President’s assumption of office, with masters of arts of Belarus performing on stage.

Photo by BELTA

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