I take a risk to turn up immodest but all the same I’ll bring this topic to the very beginning.Obviously that it is much more difficult to confirm the success. But we did it. The magazine “Беларусь. Belarus” became the winner of the National contest of Mass Media in nomination “The best public-political and literary-artistic magazine” for the second time.O no, we did not invent some special technology to regularly gain the awards. Though we definitely have some experience about that. But more important thing is that we tend to make a good magazine. And if it gained such a high estimation, we lead the right way
I take a risk to turn up immodest but all the same I’ll bring this topic to the very beginning.

Obviously that it is much more difficult to confirm the success. But we did it. The magazine “Беларусь. Belarus” became the winner of the National contest of Mass Media in nomination “The best public-political and literary-artistic magazine” for the second time.

O no, we did not invent some special technology to regularly gain the awards. Though we definitely have some experience about that. But more important thing is that we tend to make a good magazine. And if it gained such a high estimation, we lead the right way.

Generally, it is pretty good that there are contests: they allow to measure the course, to chose the guidelines. And if you get an award at that it gives some new enthusiasm. For the time being we do not have a problem of materials deficit. We do not have the problem of choice as well. We have a full understanding that “Беларусь. Belarus” is a brand. It is the country, people, events. And our task to tell about that diversity. We will be further working at that task for you, our dear reader, to have the most interesting perception of our magazine.

May is a special month. It is a month of victory over Nazism in the Second World War. In Belarus a soldier’s deed is highly respected. In our country about fifty thousand former contact soldiers and partisans of the Great Patriotic War live. Their number becomes less. But veterans still enjoy the government’s attention and care. I suppose, we should mention that in comparison with overturn of the Victory symbols in several countries. For us the Victory holiday is sacred because the Great Patriotic War had remained in a heart of everyone. Even if the one hadn’t fought in the war himself. Even if the one was born after the Victory day.

By the way, are many teenagers had seen living Heroes of the Great Patriotic War? What do they think of the war? We may give a lot of examples when young people devotedly had been searching for the soldiers died during the war, had restored the names of the unknown, led the veterans. They remember and know about the war. They respect the winners.

But it is better to win the contests. It is a good way to reveal the best one. As well as in sport where sportsmen compete for the right to the first one. Thus, competition there, in spite of acute struggle, is the most peaceful.

We need more partnership: between people, between countries. In this the strategic idea of international cooperation is: the only right and actual. Our country in its external policy is oriented at it. The partnership format is taken as a basis in mutual relations with other countries. It brings a real evident result. Political priorities are revealed in annual President’s letter to Belarusian people and National Assembly. Publication in our magazine of the part of the letter where characterization of external political directions is revealed will give readers a possibility to understand our country position. Belarus, as it said in the letter, tends to become an equal partner and is opened for the widest cooperation.

By the way, many Belarus’ partners had realized the profit of economic cooperation. The head of the association of Latvian-Belarusian links promotion Alfred Chepanis during the interview to one of the Baltic newspapers had not in vain declared that Belarus is becoming the most attractive countries in Europe.

Certainly, from the point of view of investments expectations extend the country still has vast reserves. About that the talk was held in Minsk at the meeting of the Advisory Board on international investments. Dialog business and government cooperation happened to be useful and functional, as one of the authors of our magazines write in the article “On behalf of private investors…”. It means movement on the way to business cooperation will become more active.

May, you should agree, is rather appropriate time for the deeds.

Viktor Kharkov
Editor of “Беларусь.Belarus”
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