Simurg extends its reach into Finnish market

Vitebsk-based medical company to ship its first consignment of medical products to this Scandinavian country

By Sergey Klyuev

Medicines of the first (safest) category are to be sold by Simurg to Finland, with preparations are now underway to create a contract with the Finnish partner. The Vitebsk company is keen to gain a firm foothold on the Finnish market — expanding the range and geography of its sales to the EU.

Currently, about 60 percent of Simurg’s medical goods comply with EU directives on security and quality, having the CE mark. In order to gain certification for 2nd and 3rd category (of highest potential risk) drugs, the company is preparing for ISO 13485 certification by the EU’s authorised body. This specialised standard for medical products will allow Simurg to mark all its manufactures, boosting exports to Western Europe. Previously, the company has shipped small consignments to Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Cyprus.

In 2011, Simurg joined the Turkmen market with two gynaecological products and has now completed registration of eight products in Kazakhstan and one in Uzbekistan. Simurg has also gained a firm foothold within the CIS, enjoying a reputation as a firm producing European level products, which boosts sales. From January-August, Simurg’s exports grew by 30 percent against the same period of last year, with output rising 25 percent. Around 70 percent of its manufactures are sold abroad.

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