Belarus boasts wonderful potential for developing innovative entrepreneurship

Major potential in focus

Belarus boasts wonderful potential for developing innovative entrepreneurship, declares the Charge d’Affaires of the USA to Belarus, Scott Roland, speaking at Economy of Belarus: Choices conference

At the conference

Mr. Roland feels confident that entrepreneurs are the answer to Belarus’ economic breakthrough. “Belarus is known for its high level of education and for its IT professionals. Belarusian programmers win international contests and Belarusian companies are actively operating on the global market. The country’s reputation on the global IT market is attracting interest from international companies and investors,” Mr. Roland emphasises.

He is convinced that transformation is possible only through efficient interaction between the state, business community and international organisations. “However, human potential, rather than the country’s internal resources, form the basis of the country’s sustainable development,” he believes.

Mr. Roland notes that the creation of favourable conditions for the development of the private sector is the basis for economic development and welfare, since entrepreneurs generate new ideas and move forward their implementation. “They are the first to react to change and are the first to create opportunities,” he says. Mr. Roland underlines the necessity of creating business associations to liaise with authorities, explaining what is needed by entrepreneurs and helping the state promptly respond to entrepreneurs’ needs.

By Alexander Pimenov
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