Representatives of the Belarusian and Hungarian foreign ministries discuss the risks of immigration in the region during consultations in Budapest

Grounds for sharing experiences

Representatives of the Belarusian and Hungarian foreign ministries discuss the risks of immigration in the region during consultations in Budapest

During the meeting, the parties discussed Belarus’ and Hungary’s visa policy issues in the context of negotiations on the visa facilitation regime between Belarus and EU, the immigration situation in the region and related risks, alongside the protection of citizens of both countries and co-operation in legal assistance issues.

Belarus’ delegation was headed by the Head of the Consular Department of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry, Igor Fisenko, while that of Hungary was headed by the Head of Consular and Citizenship Department of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry, Zita Bencsik.

The Belarusian delegation also had a meeting with the Deputy Director General of the Office of Immigration and Nationality of Hungary, Mr. Attila Kiss, to exchange experiences on counteracting illegal immigration.

By Yevgeny Velikhovsky

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