For the 12th time, Minsk has chosen the best construction product of the year

Goods selling like hot cakes

For the 12th time, Minsk has chosen the best construction product of the year. 

To be more precise, there are many winners, as the list contains 72 businesses, including foreign companies that have produced and dispatched at least 96 varieties of goods. Alexander Patutin, Chairman of the organising committee of the Best Construction Product of the Year 2015 Award, says that entries have been received for the first time from a dozen different manufacturers, some of which have only recently appeared on the market. Neman Glassworks is an example of a locally produced innovation, offering a new type of isolation material — heat-insulating mats made from glass wool. The Mogilev Polymer Pipes plant has also done well, being awarded the prize for insulated polymer pipe products.

“There were four candidates and the discussion was very intense, as usually goods are being assessed by their technical characteristics and quality. In the case of the Grand Prix, all aspects are taken into account: the history of the enterprise, its position on the market and export supplies. Moreover, a focus on the innovative nature of the products is also important, as is the share of innovations in the total amount of goods produced.” explains Mr. Patutin.

This year, the expert jury has been expanded, with 25 people selecting the best out of more than 125 companies. While the judges were deciding, the participants underwent five practical seminars dedicated to the promotion of goods to foreign and domestic markets, alongside the enhancement of production efficiency.

Remarkably, the winners of this year’s event include traditional leaders, in particular, Krasnoselskstroymaterialy, Krichevcementnoshifer, the Belarusian Cement Plant, Berezastroymaterialy, Bel-Izolit, the Polymer Pipes plant, the BSW – A Management Company of BMC Holding, Belsplat, Belzarubezhstroy and BATE (Borisov Plant of Automotive and Tractor and Equipment). The latter business began manufacturing heat-insulating boards three years ago, and its produce is currently in high demand in the domestic market, as well as in Russia, Ukraine and Lithuania.

By Maria Dronova

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