Russia’s northern capital hosts 6th session of Belarus-St. Petersburg Business Co-operation Council

The President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, and the President of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, have discussed the implementation of previously reached agreements, during negotiations in Astana. “I was coming here, as previously agreed, to control our instructions, given by us to the governments and ministers,” noted the Head of the Belarusian State on meeting his Kazakh colleague. Mr. Lukashenko underlined that the practice of regular meetings between the leaders of the two countries is a correct decision, encouraging executives in Belarus and Kazakhstan to fulfil the set tasks.

The President of Belarus noted that the nations of the two countries are similar to each other, and were used to earning money with their own labour. “As Presidents, we’re trying to lay a solid foundation for future generations, for those who will come after us. We’d like the policy we’re currently pursuing to become a basis for their activity. The fact that we’ve laid the interests of our nations into the foundation of our mutual relationships is worth much. This is unmistakable, and this will be always welcomed by new generations,” said Mr. Lukashenko.

The negotiations in Astana show that Belarus and Kazakhstan plan to strengthen their economic integration in various ways. This proceeds from the joint statement of the both states’ Presidents, Alexander Lukashenko and Nursultan Nazarbayev, which was signed by the heads of states after the official talks in Astana.

The leaders of Belarus and Kazakhstan confirmed the importance of strengthening their strategic partnership, meeting the interests of the people of the two countries and being an essential factor for securing the stability and co-operation in the Eurasian region. The Presidents emphasised the need for a further coordination of efforts in the development of Eurasian integration and the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union, designed to create favourable conditions for sustainable socio-economic development in the Eurasian space.

The sides announced their intention to expand mutually beneficial co-operation in economic trade, investment and sci-tech areas, seeking a deeper economic integration between the two countries. With this, priority will be given to the further development of industrial and agricultural co-operation, through the implementation of joint projects.

The joint statement made by the Presidents instructs the two governments to take exhaustive measures to fulfil the plan, as well as other agreements made at the top-level meeting. The co-chairmen of the inter-governmental commission have been put in charge of the general overseeing of the joint work to achieve that goal.

Alexander Lukashenko and Nursultan Nazarbayev also confirmed their unwavering intention to continue tightly coordinated, joint efforts aimed at advancing and expanding the Belarusian-Kazakh relations. The sides noted that additional measures were necessary to better use the potentials of the two countries for the sake of the effective implementation of the Belarusian-Kazakh trade-economic co-operation development strategy. The heads of state called upon the business groups to step up their investment efforts in Belarus and Kazakhstan, and expressed their readiness to foster the mutually beneficial investment partnership.

An inter-governmental agreement on readmission, and a protocol to the agreement were also signed in the presence of the two Presidents, in addition to an agreement on the procedures that Belarusian citizens have to follow whilst staying in Kazakhstan, and that citizens of Kazakhstan have to follow while staying in Belarus. Belarus and Kazakhstan have also signed an agreement on co-operation between the Academy of Public Administration, under the guidance of the President of the Republic of Belarus, and the Academy of Public Administration, under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The joint statement of Belarusian President, Alexander Lukashenko, and his Kazakhstani counterpart, Nursultan Nazarbayev, also states that Belarus and Kazakhstan strongly condemn the use of economic pressure or coercion that undermines regional and global stability and security.

Belarus and Kazakhstan are going to be actively involved in collective efforts to strengthen security at all levels, including efforts to prevent and peacefully resolve international disputes, and efforts to respond to challenges and threats like international terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, cross-border organised crime, illegal production and trade in narcotic drugs, trafficking in human beings and natural and man-made disasters.

According to Mr. Lukashenko, investment co-operation is a vital branch of the bilateral liaisons. “We are interested in the presence of major Kazakh capital in Belarus. We are ready to back proposals on co-operation in various areas at the state level,” noted the Belarusian leader. The Belarusian President believes it is necessary to constantly seek new forms and avenues for partnership in the most versatile fields. “Today, it is a priority task for our governments,” he added.

According to the President, the establishment of a Kazakh-Belarusian centre for training and retraining engineers, on the site of the S. Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University, is an important step. Apart from that, efforts are being put into the establishment of a Belarusian-Kazakh Scientific and Practical Centre for Surgery and Transplantology. “One can say the project is an example to follow, and we should step up efforts to accomplish it,” noted Mr. Lukashenko.

Mr. Lukashenko also sees serious potential for an increase in mutual trade and investments via the development of inter-regional ties.

“Kazakhstan is a reliable friend and ally for us. Together we’re creating a unique structure within the post-Soviet space — the Eurasian Economic Union — which will ensure great opportunities for the development of our states,” noted the President of Belarus.

“We need to maximise the SES advantages to strengthen mutually beneficial relations between our countries,” asserted Mr. Lukashenko. According to the Head of the Belarusian State, the approval of the roadmap of the bilateral trade-economic co-operation (for 2014-2016) will promote this task. This comprehensive document covers practically all areas of the bilateral collaboration.

The future Eurasian Economic Union should be advantageous for all the member states and should be built on an equal basis. During the talks, the Kazakhstan President, Nursultan Nazarbayev, stated, “There are neither political nor economic problems between Belarus and Kazakhstan. We are allies, and we are building a new integration association together. I hope that the future Eurasian Economic Union will profit the interests of all the countries, and will become an economic union of equals that will give us the capability to make the trade figures even larger,” stated the Kazakh President.

The Belarusian Head of State remarked that the stronger integration of the three countries, and the forthcoming establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union require tighter co-ordination and coherence of actions on the part of the governments and the business communities. “Only then will we be able to fully appreciate the economic advantages of the common market,” the Belarusian leader is convinced.
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