Rural people taken directly to shops

Euroopt network offers free bus routes for rural residents
Euroopt network offers free bus routes for rural residents

Throughout January, those living across ten districts of Belarus received access to 16 free bus routes, run by Belarus’ largest shopping retailer. The service allows people living in remote villages to visit Euroopt shops in district centres free of charge: in Braslav, Vetka, Yelsk, Khoiniki, Narovlya, Slonim, Volozhin, Uzda, Starye Dorogi, and Klimovichi. Buses are running 2 to 4 times a week, three times a day and further routes are to be launched countrywide.

Euroopt’s Director General Filipp Artemenko, explains, “This is our goodwill gesture for rural residents: a social project designed not only to improve trade but ease life for rural dwellers.”

Mr. Artemenko notes that permanent shops tend to open in villages with a population of 500 people or more, while mobile shops serve smaller settlements. However, the free buses to Euroopt allow shoppers more choice and should encourage local retailers to keep prices competitive.

By Katerina Charovskaya
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