Reflection of eternity moments

The National History and Culture Museum of Belarus hosted an exhibition of photo works by Anatoli Zabolotski named “Russia. Towns. Faces. Land”
The photos reflect more than 30 years of Anatoli Zabolotski’s life. They were made in various places of the former Soviet Union. Besides, the exhibition also showcased books and magazines that used Zabolotski’s photos.
Anatoli Zabolotski is a cameraman, a director, the author of the photo album “Faces of the Orthodoxy”, an honoured art worker of Belarus and Russia, member of the Writers Union and the Cinematographers Union of Russia. He took part in shooting such films as “Christ Landed in Gorodnya”, “Via Cemetery”, “Last Bread”, and “Alpine Ballad”. In Belarus he worked together with Yuri Marukhin, Boris Stepanov, Viktor Turov, Vladimir Korotkevich, Vasili Bykov.

Viktor Turov’s film “Via Cemetery”, during which shooting Zabolotski worked as a cameraman, entered UNESCO’s “100 Best War Films” list.

During the exhibition’s opening Belarusian Culture Minister Vladimir Rylatko named the exhibition “a grand event” for Belarus. Anatoli Zabolotski in due time worked to expand the glory of Belarusfilm film studio during its best times, when the Belarusian cinema school was established. His activities went together with such legendary names as Viktor Turov or Vasili Shukshin.

Father Fedor, Head of the External Relations of the Belarusian Exarchate delivered a greeting from Metropolitan Filaret to the exhibition participants. “When I look at these works, Dostoyevski’s words come to my mind: “A lot is hidden from us in this land, but in exchange we are given a live connection with another ethereal world. While glancing over these fabulous artistic works, one understands that moments of the eternity are multiplied hundredfold by these works. I believe every work is a breathing spirit of eternity”, said Father Fedor.

The exhibition of photo works by Anatoli Zabolotski named “Russia. Towns. Faces. Land” was blessed by Russian Patriarch Aleksiy II when it had been demonstrated at Moscow’s Christ the Saviour temple.
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