A complex assessment of the readiness and abilities of the Armed Forces units and military detachments to complete set tasks has been conducted in Belarus following the decision of the Defence Minister Andrey Ravkov

Real time studies necessary

A complex assessment of the readiness and abilities of the Armed Forces units and military detachments to complete set tasks has been conducted in Belarus following the decision of the Defence Minister Andrey Ravkov. The overall management of the exercises falls under the responsibility of Oleg Belokonev, the Head of the Armed Forces General Staff and the First Deputy Defence Minister.

Some military units and detachments have already received orders to maintain a high level of alert. In particular, tasks have been outlined to be ready to execute the order to allocate a separate squadron to be responsible for fuelling (from central military units) and another to repair (from the Northern-Western section). The planned exercise will be complex. The readiness and abilities of all military units and subdivisions are to be tested, in addition to all subordinate systems, including technical and support services.

The present weather conditions, under which squadrons will have to fulfil the tasks, will definitely add pressure to the tests. Special efforts will focus on the full and timely provision of military detachments and subdivisions to their locations and in areas of training and the completion of the military tasks. The chief organisers of the exercise will take care to avoid any cases of soldiers becoming overly cold or in danger of hypothermia and will supply them with winter provisions.

By Ignaty Belyavsky

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