Olympic Stamp

Before Belarusian athletes left for Turin representatives of the state postal monopoly “Belpochta” promised to issue a new stamp dedicated to new champions
Before Belarusian athletes left for Turin representatives of the state postal monopoly “Belpochta” promised to issue a new stamp dedicated to new champions. By that time Belarus had issued 657 stamps, of them 61 were dedicated to sports. “Belpochta” kept its promise, and the publishing center of the company issued a block of stamps “Results of XX Winter Olympics in Turin” dedicated to aerials. The coupons feature the national team and Valery Dashinsky. Alexei Grishin, another Belarusian star, inspired “Belpochta” to make a stamp in 2002.

The new block of stamps has already come into market. The 15,000 copies are to be sold both on the domestic and foreign markets. “Belpochta” specialists claim that Belarusian stamps of the “sports” series are very popular abroad.
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