Belarus now ranked 53rd in Human Development Index, among 187 countries

Obvious progress clearly seen in living standards

By Vladislav Khmelevsky

Belarus now ranked 53rd in Human Development Index, among 187 countries

Belarus now ranked 53rd in Human Development Index, among 187 countriesThe UN Department of Public Information has praised the high level of human development in Belarus and expects the country to soon join those with a very high Human Development Index. Between 2005 and 2013, Belarus raised its index from 0.725 to 0.786: up 8.4 percent.

The Belarusian index is above the average (0.735) for countries with high Human Development Index, and above the average for countries in Europe and Central Asia (0.738). Serbia and Azerbaijan, with populations approximately equal in size to that of Belarus, occupy 78th and 76th position respectively.

The Human Development Report is an annual publication which was introduced by the UNDP in 1990. The 2014 Human Development Report Sustaining Human Progress: Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience considers two concepts which are closely connected and vital to progress in the field of human development.

The Human Development Index is an integrated indicator used for cross-country comparison. It is annually calculated by the UNDP, based on such factors as expected life expectancy at birth, average duration of education and expected duration of education, and GDP per capita (in US Dollars related to purchasing power).

The 2014 UN National Human Development Report covers 187 countries and territories recognised by the United Nations, and takes into account inequalities across 145 countries. It also looks at the Gender Development Index for 148 countries, the Gender Inequality Index for 149 countries and the Multidimensional Poverty Index for 91 countries.
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