New projects — new sites

Up-to-date solar power station to be constructed in Myadel District
By Vladimir Samsonov

From 2014-2015, $12 million is to be invested by a Lithuanian company to build the power station near the village of Shvakshty, on the Vilnius-Polotsk road. “A solar power station is interesting for us as an alternative source of electricity and as a tourist attraction: after all, it will be located near a main road,” notes the Deputy Chairman of Myadel District Executive Committee, Leonid Bernyakovich.

It will not be the first such alternative energy site in the Myadel District, as a wind-powered station launched in the agro-town of Zanaroch recently.

A folk museum is also opening, in the village of Nanosy, in the Myadel District, thanks to a private investment of over $3 million. The same sum is still needed to complete the complex next year. More than ten timber houses in folk style (accommodating 50) are to be open to the public, with jobs for around 70 people, chosen from among local residents. The site will include a museum of folk history, a water-powered mill, a bakery, a stable and other places of interest to tourists.

Mr. Bernyakovich tells us that a new bus station opened in the resort settlement of Naroch this year, as have new spa facilities. A new sanatorium accommodating 150 people was put into operation, including a restaurant launching. In addition, Naroch Plant of Drinks has been modernised, thanks to a joint venture with a private investor. A new line is now filling bottles of still and sparkling mineral water and, next year, a line will launch for cognacs and brandy.
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