New manufactures to meet European requirements

Belarusian-Chinese Industrial Park to be constructed on free territories near Minsk

By Vladimir Vasiliev

The new manufactures will have to meet existing European environmental standards and, in some cases, will surpass these. “There is no question of pollution or damage to the environment,” asserts the Deputy Prime Minister, Anatoly Tozik.
Some rumours have circulated that the new industrial park in the Smolevichi District will lead to homes being demolished, but Mr. Tozik denies this utterly, emphasising that there is plenty of space for decades to come. “We have outlined the allotted land area, with some villages, countryside and summer cottages being protected; they will all remain,” he stresses, adding that only vacant areas are to be built upon. The same conditions are detailed in a decree now being prepared. In all, 8,000 hectares of land are being allocated for the park, with only 400 hectares being developed at the first stage. A definite business plan for site development will appear after the decree is signed.

Belarus is currently implementing investment projects in China, with $5.5bn of contracts and loan agreements signed. In total, China is ready to inject around $16bn into the Belarusian economy.

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