Negotiations in full swing

Minsk’s Integral JSC and Russian Electronics JSC are planning to implement joint investment projects to modernise and upgrade their production facilities
Vitaly Solodukha, Integral’s Director General, tells us, “We’re currently negotiating joint actions and investment projects with Russian companies, primarily with Ruselectronics. Paths have been outlined and a list of works discussed, alongside the required volume of investment. Gaining approval for investment conditions is a rather difficult process however, taking time.” He emphasises that final decisions will be taken by government agencies, since Integral JSC is state owned.

Mr. Solodukha adds that Integral intends to implement an import substitution project worth about $11m, developing production of silicon epitaxial structures. Between 2013 and 2015, it also plans to implement an investment project worth $3m, refitting the design centre at Belmikrosistemy Scientific and Technical Centre. Better design stations and analysis equipment are to be installed there.

In 2012, Integral supplied $70m worth of goods to Russia — up almost 17 percent on 2011. The greatest volumes were dispatched to Russia, China and South Korea, while small orders of microelectronics products were also delivered to some European states, as well as to Singapore and Southeast Asia. In total, the company shipped its products to around 30 countries across the globe. “Virtually all the electronics products we buy from Southeast Asia use our crystals. As a rule, buyers of our microchips in China then export their goods to Europe and the USA,” explains the Director General.

Integral accounts for 15-20 percent of total sales of dual-use and special-use components on the Russian market. Russian partners treat Integral as a Russian manufacturer, through the Union State Osnova (Foundation) programme. Integral is viewed as Russia’s top supplier of microelectronics components.

Last year, the company’s foreign trade surplus reached $50m. There are plans to raise the figure to $60m by increasing exports this year. Sales profitability stood at 21 percent in 2012. Integral JSC designs, manufactures and exports microelectronics components and ready-made products, across a full-manufacturing production cycle. It makes a wide range of goods, including silicon substrates and integrated microcircuits and semiconductor devices, as well as microelectronic components and its own selection of electronic equipment.
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