Mogilev now 150 years older

It happened thanks to new archaeological findings
Excavations in the city’s centre have been carried out recently. Archaeologists found pieces of bricks, ceramics, and glass beads.
These “trifles” mean a lot. They date back to 10–12th centuries. They mean at the time there was an ancient fortified settlement in the Gorky Park, which is currently located in the city’s centre, and the city’s birth date can be relocated by at least 150 years earlier.

“The bottoms of ceramic bowls are stamped with tridents”, says excavations supervisor, Doctor of Historic Science Igor Marzalyuk. “It is a sure sign they had not been made for commoners. At that time glass bracelets were worn by at least townswomen or wives of the city watch. Moreover, we found specimens of bijouterie made in Byzantium style, which was rather popular at that time”.

The archaeologists unearthed quite a large part of the ancient stronghold. A tragedy, which occurred over 700 years ago, was revealed to their eyes.

“We are convinced at some time in the past a church was located somewhere in the area. It was burnt down during the Tatar-Mongol invasion”, says Igor Aleksandrovich. “The city was scavenged, most likely in 1240 or some time after that. The battle was fierce. Everywhere there are signs of fire, armour-piercing arrow heads and spear parts, crippled anthropic remains…”

But it turned out people had left their most ancient “autograph” much earlier than the 10th century. Not far from the main excavation site the archaeologists found an encampment of ancient people dating back 10–12 thousand years. Back to the time when sabre-toothed tigers roamed Mogilev land.
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