New York’s Mercer Consulting Company’s annual ratings for comparative cost of living across various cities worldwide places Minsk among top ten cheapest cities

Minsk is now ranked among top ten cities for comfortable living

Meanwhile, Moscow is now ranked 50th (down from 9th most expensive in 2014) while St. Petersburg currently occupies 152nd place (from 35th in the last year’s rating). Experts explain the fall of the Russian Rouble against the Dollar has helped make the Russian cities more affordable for international travellers and expats. 

Minsk today. View on Pobediteley Avenue. Photo BelTA

The ratings compare the average cost of living across 200 cities, against that in New York. Covering five continents, criteria include the cost of transport, accommodation, food, clothes and entertainment, making it the most comprehensive rating system to date, used by multinational companies and governmental agencies working abroad (to calculate compensation for employees).

Minsk. Pobedy Square

For the third time in a row, Angola’s Luanda is named the most expensive city, followed by Hong Kong, Zurich, Singapore and Geneva, ahead of Shanghai, Beijing, Seoul, Bern and Chad’s Ndjamena. Some cities in Central Europe have become ‘more affordable’ as their local currencies have fallen in value against the American Dollar: Prague has moved from 92nd to 142nd place, while Budapest is now 170th (135th in the past). Meanwhile, Minsk is ranked 201st: truly, life is great where we are!

By Milana Leonova

Photo Vitaly Pivovarchik
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