On August 7th, a telephone conversation took place between Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin

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On August 7th, a telephone conversation took place, on the initiative of the Russian side, between Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin
On August 7th, a telephone conversation took place, on the initiative of the Russian side, between Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin

The Russian President informed Mr. Lukashenko about the economic measures adopted by Russia in relation to a range of products imported from the countries which have imposed sanctions against Russian organisations and citizens. Mr. Putin expressed his hope that Belarus would understand the steps, which aim to protect Russia’s economic security.

From his side, the President of Belarus noted that complete transparency, in the spirit of partnership relations, will be ensured at the border. The Presidents also discussed the issues of co-operation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, and its expansion. They agreed that Armenia’s joining of the Union shouldn’t damage the interests of the Customs Union.

During the conversation, Mr. Lukashenko and Mr. Putin shared opinions regarding the development of the situation in Ukraine’s economy, in the light of its signing the European Union Association Agreement.
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