An exhibition of the Belarusian nuclear power station officially opened at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna

Important project being successfully implemented

An exhibition of the Belarusian nuclear power station officially opened at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna

Presentation of Belarusian NPP exhibition

For the first time ever an exhibition of the Belarusian nuclear power station project has opened during the 59th session of the IAEA General Conference. The opening ceremony was also attended by the Belarusian delegation, headed by Mikhail Mikhadyuk, Deputy Energy Minister. He said that the opportunity to arrange a national exhibition is an important sign on the part of the IAEA administration.

According to the Deputy Energy Minister, the IAEA’s guidelines for new countries working on nuclear energy programmes are a good reference point for Belarus. A detailed schedule in correlation with the document can be found on one of the stands of the Belarusian exposition. Mr. Mikhadyuk remarked that the Belarusian nuclear energy programme is now in the third phase — the construction of a nuclear power station. Belarusian specialists have already carried out 83 percent of the work. “According to Russian colleagues and international organisations, the project is being successfully implemented,” added the Minister.

On the whole, the Belarusian stand offers information about how much work has been done already at the construction site near Ostrovets, about plans for 2016, and the development of the manufacturing and social infrastructure. Although the official opening ceremony took part in the afternoon, the Belarusian stand had been open since the morning and had attracted many conference delegates. Since many countries across the globe have stated their intention to proceed with the development of the nuclear energy industry, the Belarusian experience will be of great interest to them.

About 20 national exhibitions were opened at the IAEA headquarters. Belarus’ display stands alongside those of Russia, the USA, France, Germany, Japan, China, India, Canada, and the United Arab Emirates.
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