The holiday, which gave to the world the Soviet Union, a country, which went away into history, became the most prominent landmark in the annals of mankind. Centuries and millenniums will pass, but people, who have long rendered habitable near and far space, will always remember, that the first step to the stars their distant ancestors made on April morning in 1961 with the «Gagarin’s Start» of Baikonur.
Yes, it is a holiday of all mankind. Yet a sense of greater ownership of it should warm the heart of anyone, who was a citizen of the country that sent the first man into space, who put his talent and work in this feat.
Today, after many years to the day, Belarusian science and industry, which actively involved in the Soviet space program, further increased its presence in joint projects with Russian and European counterparts. Our scientists and designers create unique equipment for remote sensing of the Earth, for planetary exploration and the upper layers of the atmosphere, develop advanced materials for spacecraft thrusters and sensors for ultra-precise orientation systems. They offer and implement original technology of testing of orbital mechanism, practice the technology of precision systems for micro satellites technique of shooting from orbit and software for computer processing of the photographs.
In this case, work to the space implies a high return of the research – both direct and due the fact that implementation of space projects raises the general level of knowledge in the relevant fields, helping to develop new technological orders. Suffice to say that on the target hardware, designed and manufactured by Belarusian specialists to equip of domestic satellite, republic has already received orders for an amount that is 5 times the cost of building the spacecraft.
Generally, space projects, in which Belarus takes part, including in the framework of the Union State, has always been one of the most successful. All 11 routines, which are part of the national space program, which are designed for 2008–2012, now fully implemented. Belarusian space system for remote sensing of the Earth was created. It consists of a ground control and the Belarusian spacecraft (BSC). Foundations by a professional aerospace education are laid. With the launch of the domestic spacecraft country came in the number of the world’s space states. Package of applications from national government bodies on satellite imagery in 2013 has already formed. Partnership agreements on the use of satellite images with BSC signed with organizations in Russia and the USA. Similar agreements with partners from Canada, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, are in stage of registration. Roscosmos has expressed interest in buying part of the resource Belarusian spacecraft for the benefit of government bodies of their country. To important areas for space developments should also be considered intergovernmental agreements with Russia and Ukraine on cooperation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes. A similar agreement is being prepared with Kazakhstan. Also the process of Belarus accession to the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space initiated. This will open new opportunities for the development of national research activities in space and an appropriate regulatory framework. On the basis of BSC and the Russian satellite «Canopus-V» Belarusian-Russian integrated space system for real-time monitoring of the Earth are creating. This gives partners undeniable advantages because reliability of execution of order on photography is increasing. Opportunities to share experience of image processing and of educating professionals are increasing. All it pushes to expand cooperation. In the plans are increased joint orbital grouping of up to 5 devices, and 3 new should have more higher technical specifications.
These and other solutions will develop the Belarusian space system of remote sensing of the Earth, in which the space segment will be complemented by aircraft (including unmanned aerial vehicles) and terraneous. Also it is planned to establish a National a system of satellite communications and broadcasting on the basis of geostationary satellite`s, The single system of navigation-time support. It is also expected to create and develop the staffing, scientific, technical and regulatory framework of space activities. All these plans have to be realized in the framework of the National Space Program for 2013–2017 years.