‘Healing’ Internet in due time

World Wide Web allows us to make doctor’s appointment without leaving home

By Innokenty Klimenko

At some time or another, we all succumb to illness — be it a simple cough or cold, or a broken bone. The usual course of action is to ring the polyclinic to make an appointment. However, when the phones are busy, it can difficult to get through. You may lack the strength to struggle in to the clinic in person, so online bookings are a wonderful solution. Of course, not everyone has yet mastered Internet technology but, each year, we become more familiar with it. Additionally, Belarus’ institutions are increasingly relying on united systems — as proven by medicine.

Several years ago, Minsk became a ‘pioneer’ among other Belarusian cities in offering online communication with medical institutions; now, all the capital’s polyclinics have this service, enabling appointments to be booked online. The advantages are evident, since patients can independently choose a suitable day and time. Meanwhile, those arriving at the clinic in person experience fewer queues. Of course, emergency cases operate under a different system. Polyclinic employees also save time spent in organising appointments.

Increasing numbers of people are using the new service countrywide. We may sometimes criticise our healthcare system but it is certainly making progress.

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