Growing cargo traffic to please both sides

Trial cargo from China arrives at would-be transport and logistics centre in Orsha

By Darya Kustova

Hong Kong’s СВТ Development (Logistics) Limited has finished technical preparations for the construction of the transport and logistics centre at Orsha’s Aircraft Repair Plant JSC. It is to be located at the intersection of the second and ninth international transport corridors. Orsha’s Aircraft Repair Plant already has an aerodrome able to accept most aircraft, with a convenient railway line nearby. In future, its logistics facilities will be able to service cargo traffic arriving from Warsaw, Tallinn and elsewhere.

The site envisages warehouse terminals, open ground for storing large-sized container goods, bank branches, an insurance company, a business centre and a hotel. The centre will occupy around 100,000sq.m and, according to preliminary calculations, will require $50m of investments. The volume of cargo traffic is expected to double under the most favourable circumstances, allowing the project to pay for itself within three years rather than nine.

Alongside territorial, manufacturing and technical advantages, the investment project boasts other preferences to ensure a favourable business environment, encouraging newly created enterprises in small towns.

According to Vladimir Troitsky, Director of Orsha’s Aircraft Repair Plant, the new centre will enhance international air, railway and automobile transportation, while developing the aircraft plant’s infrastructure and promoting the development of the town where the company is situated.

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