Belarusian-American scientific ties to strengthen, following first joint seminar on sci-tech co-operation, hosted by National Academy of Sciences

Great scientific interest

Belarusian-American scientific ties to strengthen, following first joint seminar on sci-tech co-operation, hosted by National Academy of Sciences.

For the third time in recent months, representatives of American scientific circles have visited our country, pursuing special goals: to outline areas of joint work; to establish mechanisms of co-operation; and to create personal ties between scientists.

In 2013, Belarus and the USA ran eight joint projects. In 2014, there were only five, but all with greater scope. The Chairman of the National Academy of Sciences’ Presidium, Vladimir Gusakov, notes that mutual interest is being demonstrated in laser physics, material studies, waste processing, bio-technologies, chemical synthesis and development of pharmacological products. 

In April, Belarus was visited by the Senior Vice President of the US National Association of College and University Business Officers, Matthew Hamill, who was impressed with the level of our laser technologies (his area of professional interest). This time, the American delegation featured specialists in agriculture and medical IT: areas promising for collaboration. The foreign guests visited the National Academy of Sciences’ exhibition, to see the most significant works by our scientists in the field of machine building, space and laser technologies, and new materials. The Americans were keen to view innovations at the Microbiology Institute: bio-drugs for industrial cattle breeding which are a good alternative to antibiotics and hormones.

Guests also admired work at the Republican Scientific and Medical Centre for Cell Technology (part of the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering).

By Yulia Vasilieva

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