Foreseeable first visit

President of Belarus planning official visit to Russia, discussing preparations with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Belarus, Alexander Surikov
President of Belarus planning official visit to Russia, discussing preparations with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Belarus, Alexander Surikov

Following the Presidential elections, Alexander Lukashenko intends to make his first official visit as Head of State, to Russia, at the invitation of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

Back in mid-October, at the CIS Summit in Kazakhstan, Mr. Lukashenko suggested that Mr. Putin adopt decisions on acute issues of bilateral co-operation. At the session of the Supreme State Council of the Union State, and during his visit to Moscow, the Kremlin responded positively.

During his meeting with the Russian Ambassador, Mr. Lukashenko underlined, “Thank you for the invitation to officially visit the Russian Federation. After the Presidential elections in Belarus, it is correct of me, as usual, to pay an official visit to Russia: a country I cannot call foreign, no matter that some dislike my stance. I think it’s correct and will answer many questions.”

The Head of State remarked that a number of Belarus-Russia bilateral events are to take place. “I believe we’re going to meet with other presidents in a multilateral format,” notes Mr. Lukashenko. He sees much to talk about sincerely, ‘without leaving anything unsaid’ and adds that he’s ready for a sincere and serious conversation on Belarusian-Russian relations.

Mr. Lukashenko has suggested ‘sincerely discussing problematic issues, if they exist, as well as determining prospects’. The Head of State believes that, before the forthcoming meeting with the President of Russia, areas of bilateral interaction should be adjusted, to remove some tension. However, he notes that he isn’t aware of any especial problems.

The President discussed with Mr. Surikov details of the forthcoming official visit, as well as speaking about the development and strengthening of Union State positions. This powerful integration project has already become a good example of developing economic interrelations within the format of the Eurasian Economic Union. However, it’s evident that it’s time to drive forward Union State relations. This topic is likely to occupy the central place during the forthcoming top level negotiations.

By Vladimir Khromov
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