Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) to organise next Council session for December 23rd

CSTO challenges at next session meeting

Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) to organise next Council session for December 23rd
By Veniamin Mikheev

Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) to organise next Council session for December 23rd

Nikolai BordyuzhaThe Secretary General of the CSTO, Nikolai Bordyuzha, recently met President Lukashenko to discuss preparations for the next meeting of the CSTO Collective Security Council. Mr. Lukashenko is keen to focus on security issues raised during his recent negotiations with the United Arab Emirates leadership. He noted, “I understand that the situation there is far from stable. Egypt and Libya especially have problems, and not all is right with the ‘Islamic State’. There is war across the East. Look at the situation near our borders; who would have thought that Ukraine would face such conflict...”

“Our safety is of paramount importance; we in Belarus watch everything occurring near (and far from) our borders with care. We operate in this direction, supporting our friends within the CSTO as much as we can, and paying close attention to the defence of our own borders, including working with the Russian Federation on the western zone of our responsibility.”

Nikolai Bordyuzha believes that the next CSTO Council meeting will face some challenging questions. He notes, “Estimating the general realm of Treaty activity, there are several disturbing factors — foremost Afghanistan.” The situation there is now at its worst, according to Mr. Bordyuzha
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