Belarusian tapestry on show at Second Russian Triennial of Contemporary Tapestry and Textile Art, at Tsaritsyno Museum in Moscow

Creative diversity enriches

By Yekaterina Knyazeva

Belarusian tapestry on show at Second Russian Triennial of Contemporary Tapestry and Textile Art, at Tsaritsyno Museum in Moscow

Most of the exhibition is occupied by works from the Moscow and St. Petersburg schools, as well as those from Yekaterinburg, Saratov, Samara, Saransk and Rostov-on-Don.

The programme comprised an international conference, at which Natalia Lisovskaya, a member of the Belarusian Union of Artists and Associate Professor at the Vitebsk State Technological University’s Design Chair, presented her report on Tapestry in the Cultural Space of Belarus in 2011-2014.

She explained, “Belarusian textile artists demonstrate a variety of creative solutions, and individual techniques, as well as a combination of pictorial, graphic, sculpture and textile methods. I’d like to emphasise the influence of national culture, the use of national traditions and regional specific features in the development of modern Belarusian textile art.”

The first triennial took place at Tsaritsyno in 2011 and was the first CIS tapestry exhibition since Soviet Union days. The current event features about 250 works by 150 artists.
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