Computer Trading

Oil products made in Belarus are successfully sold at the electronic trading platform
“You can strike a deal even if you travel abroad, stay in the countryside or soak up the sun on the beach,” Acting Deputy Chairman of Belneftekhim concern Mikhail Osipenko told reporters. “Besides, since we switched to new trading schemes we have not received a single complaint from buyers. Sellers are happy, too, as prices are rising,” he added.

The concern is getting ready to start e-selling giant tires made in Bobruisk. Higher energy prices have boosted coal extraction, mines started buying larger dump trucks, and the demand for trucks and components, including tires, has become misbalanced. There is a deficit, which, if used well, could result in large profits, hence hordes of middlemen yearning for big money.
Electronic trading will eliminate unnecessary links and the possibility of lobbying anyone’s interests, as computers cipher all sales.

Besides, Belarus has started selling nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers via the electronic trading system.
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