Castle Heritage Acquires Status

Nesvizh castle is going to open for public visitors this year
The first start-up complex is getting ready for commissioning. It includes the entrance gates and adjacent buildings. According to Vladimir Gridiushko, Deputy Minister of Culture, right now the general construction is almost complete, finishing is going on, and the State Historical-Cultural Reserve “Nesvizh” management is working on the development of the museum.

— We have plans to finish all the necessary works to make Nesvizh and Mir Castles available to visitors by the end of this year, — explains Vladimir Gridiushko.

We would like to remind you that both of the castles are unique monuments of architecture, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, that along with the reconstruction of the historical image must attain the status of the world-class cultural and educating centers with relevant infrastructure. For example, both castles will have hotel rooms, restaurants, souvenir boutiques.

However, there is one more potential tourist attraction among historical objects in the State Investment Program 2007. It is the manor complex in Zhilichi village, Kirov district, Mogilev Region. The main restoration works will start next year. For the time being, the experts are busy with the project paper work. According to Vladimir Gridiushko, Zhilichi complex is a unique one among those few, that retained enough of the fret works, dйcor elements, golden plates, and which, after all the restoration, can look in many respects even better than Nesvizh castle-park ensemble.

Irina Timokhina
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