President approves resolution on Belarus’ state border protection in 2015

Border security issues meet national interest

Border-guards-of-the-Belyany-frontier-post-on-patrol.jpgThe Head of State stressed that border security is among the top priorities of state policy. He asked for a progress report on the fulfilment of his instruction in this field: given to the Government, the State Secretariat of the Security Council, the State Border Committee and other law enforcement agencies. The President noted that all issues regarding their legal framework have been settled.

An extended session of the State Border Committee — held in January 2014 — tackled urgent issues. “Top of the agenda has been such issues as optimising border protection agencies, enhancing public order at the border zone, the role of regional commissions in resolving such issues, and co-operation between public bodies and residents of near-border territories in protecting the state border. The latter is a rather good idea, harking to Soviet times, when those living near the border took part in protecting it,” said the President.

He added, “Later, people forgot that they were living in near-border territories. As a result, an important section of the border with the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and the European Union became too ‘democratic’. Accordingly, we’ve decided to restore public involvement in protecting the state border. To achieve this, we’ve been encouraging local authorities and those residing in these territories.”

The Head of State asked whether the negative trends emerging recently in neighbouring countries have been taken into account. “What has changed in the border forces? Have border guards stepped up efforts to prevent certain cases, such as unpunished violation of the state border?” Mr. Lukashenko wondered. He asked how the State Border Committee is protecting the state interests of Belarus in new integration processes, including co-operation with customs bodies. “Don’t forget that we’re building relations with the East and the West. We should understand that national interests are our main priority,” the Belarusian leader stressed.

Mr. Lukashenko heard a report on the performance of border services in 2014 and the Chairman of the State Border Committee, Leonid Maltsev, noted that all instructions have been fulfilled. He underlined, “Border security has been enhanced in all directions. Much has been done to improve engineering infrastructure at the border and to introduce modern technological devices. These efforts have helped raise the quality of state border protection and the efficiency of work to ramp up border security.”

Approving a resolution to protect the state border, the President gave a number of instructions on how to improve the system of border security, adjusting it to suit modern conditions.

By Vladimir Khromov
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