Above Russia, Kazakhstan and Armenia in ratings

Rating by nekhaichik.house.gov.by, compiled by Numbeo, ranks Belarus 54th
Rating by nekhaichik.house.gov.by, compiled by Numbeo, ranks Belarus 54th, above EEU partners of Russia, Kazakhstan and Armenia, for standard of living

Russia is ranked 72nd for ‘quality of life’, while Kazakhstan is 63rd, and Armenia 60th. Bulgaria is 55th, Georgia is 57th, Serbia is 58th, Moldova is 66th, and Ukraine is in 75th place. Switzerland leads the Numbeo rankings, with Germany in second place, and Sweden third. The USA, Finland, Denmark, Austria, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand close the top-10. Estonia is ranked 21st, Lithuania 32nd, and Latvia 39th.

In total, there are 86 countries on the list; Venezuela takes last place.

Numbeo is the world’s largest database of user-generated content dedicated to cities and countries, collated through online-research, without official government reports. The project provides the latest information from users about the cost of living and living conditions, including property prices, and information on health care and crime, transportation and environmental pollution.


Belarus has outstripped in the quality of life its partners in the Eurasian Economic Union — Russia, Kazakhstan and Armenia — as well as a range of former USSR republics. The rating, compiled by Numbeo, features 86 countries, with Belarus ranked 54th.

The data was collected via online surveys, without using official governmental reports. The project presents acute information from users about costs and living conditions, property prices, healthcare and criminality, as well as transport and environmental pollution.

By Alexznder Pimenov
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