A door to history

Act seal of 11th century found in Polotsk
The finding was retrieved from occupation layer of the 11th century of Veliky Posad part of Polotsk, where homes of the well-off and craft workshops were situated in the Middle Age.

One side of the seal depicts the Holy Virgin and the other bears scripture “Seraphim”, which allows to conclude the seal used to belong to a bishop or some other clergyman.

Such seal could have no copies thus it is considered of especial historical value. Probably, that bishop was unknown so far and a new historical page will be opened due to the finding, says Denis Dukh, chief of sociology and history department at Polotsk State University.

Archaeologists have also found a bone stylus of the 11th century, which was used for writing in waxen plates. Additionally, over 70 jewelry articles made of precious metals were found during the excavation. Denis Dukh thinks all these findings are “a door to the 11th century for our contemporaries, as they give us the idea of fashion, conditions of life and morals of that time.”
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