There is hardly a Belarusian native who would not know anything about “Kupalle”, “Kaliady”, “Dziady”, or “batleika”...
Yet all we know is a small portion of folklore heritage left by our ancestors. Encyclopedia “Belarusian lore” is the first such fundamental publication in our national culture. Over 3 thousand articles tell about traditions and beliefs of Belarusian people, folk songs and games, myths and people who contributed to preservation and scientific study of national culture.

The encyclopedia has plenty of images and the most special here are mysterious and romantic drawings by V. Slavuk; these vividly depict vuzhalky (daughters of Lizard King), werevolve — a turnskin man who jumps over knife stuck into the soil to turn into a wolf, or iron man from ancient Belarusian legends…

All over the world those uncool search for ways to confront globalization, which substitutes national cultures with one common and unified quasi-culture…

The interest to eternal spiritual values is rising everywhere. Belarusians have things to be proud of, as our folk lore can be compared to few in the world in variety and stores. Encyclopedia “Belarusian lore” is a magic box of legends which can show a whole world to careful reader.
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