Posted: 14.12.2021 17:11:00

Winter bird feeding online

Belovezhskaya Pushcha offers a unique opportunity: to watch bird feeding online

For the fourth winter season in a row, a feeder with a webcam has been installed on the bank of the Lesnaya River, in the Kamenets District. “Our ‘stars’ are chickadees, titmice, bullfinches, thrushes, waxwings, jays and woodpeckers. They can be observed during daytime. In the evening, grey owls and boreal owls scream there. The feeder is sometimes attacked by squirrels, minks, otters, beavers, and mice,” APB-BirdLife Belarus says. This public organisation initiated the broadcast.

Much food has been prepared for birds: dried rowan berries, black elderberry, rosehip and viburnum, and also many seeds, apples, corn, walnuts, and peanuts. Not only the organisers but also residents of the neighbouring village participated in the harvesting process.

“Most interesting screenshots, videos, comments and answers to questions are available on the APB-BirdLife Belarus site,” ornithologist Vadim Prokopchuk adds.

As statistics show, most guests to the site come from Belarus, while there are also active birdwatchers from the USA, Russia, Poland and Ukraine.