True patriots taught at school
Senator Kalina Kaputskaya believes the educational sphere must cultivate patriotism
The events of 2020 have forced us to look at education with different eyes. One of its primary tasks now is to transfer the values, ideals and moral norms – formed historically on the Belarusian land – to future generations. According to Kalina Kaputskaya, a member of the Permanent Commission of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly for Education, Science, Culture and Social Development, the reset of the educational system will become an adequate response to the modern challenges which are attacking our country and the world as a whole.
“There is a single way to counteract this trend: to create such a system for formation of a person when it would be impossible to impose alien ideologies on the youth, while realisation of young peoples’ potential could ensure the well-being of the country and its citizens. For this, I believe we have the necessary resources, experience and a sincere desire to preserve Belarus as a national state. The fundamentals of patriotism should be taught at all levels of the educational system – including preschool institutions and the first workplace,” the official added.
To achieve the set goals, it’s necessary to get away from formalism in educational activities and enable young people to feel the spirit of real patriotism natural for citizens of a self-respecting country: with a cultural heritage, a developing economy, a functioning industry, an established social sphere, and a combat-ready army.