Number of EAEU unemployed decreased by 13.8% over year

In late May 2024, unemployment in the countries of the ... May 2024, the number of unemployed registered in the employment services ... reported. In H1 2024, the unemployment rate in the EAEU states ...

EAEU , unemployment , EEC

Canadians faced serious labour challenges, and situation continues to worsen

The unemployment rate in Canada has reached ... According to Statistics Canada, the unemployment rate increased by 0.2 ... been a steady increase in unemployment in Canada since April 2023 ... were 1.4 million people unemployed in the North American country ... of the coronavirus pandemic, the unemployment rate in Canada made up ...

Canada , unemployment

EAEU unemployment decreased by 13%

The number of unemployed registered by the Eurasian Economic ... (EEC) “Thus, the number of unemployed stands at 0.9 per ... said. More detailed information on unemployment in the EAEU is available ... Department in the section on unemployment.

Eurasian Economic Union , unemployment , Eurasian Economic Commission

Global unemployment set to increase in 2024

The global unemployment rate was 5.1 percent ... low-income group. The 2023 unemployment rate persisted at 4.5 ...

ILO , unemployment

EAEU unemployment figures dropped by 11.9%

The number of unemployed people who are registered with the employment services of the Eurasian Economic Union’s member states decreased by 11.9 percent by the end of October 2023, compared to the same period in 2022, the Eurasian Economic Commission reports Photo: www.Pixabay.com In total, 827.2 thousand people are on the lists of the unemployed. “Accordingly, the number of the unemployed makes 0.9 percent of the workforce. In 2022, this figure stood at 1 percent,” the source said.

EEC , EAEU , unemployment

EAEU unemployment dropped by over 14% since early 2023

Unemployment in the Eurasian Economic Union ( ... reported that the number of unemployed people registered with the EAEU ... year. “Thus, the number of unemployed people stands at 0.9 ...

EAEU , unemployment , EEC

8m+ Italian white-collar workers may become unemployed because of AI

In Italy, approximately 8.4m jobs will be at risk due to the wider spread of AI, RIA Novosti reports with reference to Confartigianato (largest national organisation of artisans and small businesses) PHOTO: WWW.PIXABAY.COM According to experts, the greatest risk of being out of work threatens white collar workers: representatives of the professions which require intellectual and administrative skills. In particular, this applies to the IT sphere, management, employees of administrative ...

italy , Artificial intelligence , unemployment

Unemployment in EAEU dropped by 15% over the year

Unemployment in the Eurasian Economic Union ... statement reads, “The number of unemployed people registered with the employment ... date in 2022.” Thus, the unemployed make up 0.9 percent ...

EAEU , unemployment

Unemployment in EAEU dropped by 10.7% over the year

Over the year, unemployment figures in the Eurasian Economic Union have decreased by 10.7 percent, the Eurasian Economic Commission reports It is noted that the number of unemployed registered in the EAEU employment agencies amounted to 916.8 thousand people as of late June 2023, which was 10.7 percent less against the same date in 2022. "Accordingly, the number of unemployed makes 1 percent of the workforce. In 2022, this figure was 1.1 percent," the EEC added.

unemployment , EAEU , EEC

Unemployment decreased by more than 7% in EAEU over a year

Unemployment in the Eurasian Economic Union decreased by 7.3 percent over the year, the Eurasian Economic Commission reports According to the EEC, the number of unemployed persons registered in the EAEU public employment agencies made 943.7 thousand in May 2023, or 7.3 percent less than in the same period of last year. The unemployed account for one percent of the workforce. Last year, this figure stood at 1.1 percent.

EAEU , unemployment

Unemployment rate down in Belarus

Belarus demonstrates the lowest unemployment rate in the Eurasian Economic ... As reported, the number of unemployed registered at the EAEU employment ... Statistics Department data, the lowest unemployment rate is registered in Belarus ... 2020, there were 8,900 unemployed in Belarus. As for other ... countries, there are 830,400 unemployed in Russia (1.1 percent ... , data on the number of unemployed is only available: there are ...

eaeu , unemployment , statistics

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