Metropolitan Veniamin: the trend to avoid official marriage erodes the concept of family

The trend to not register marriages that is growing among young ... erosive to the concept of marriage and detrimental to the ages ... people to not register their marriages officially, “This trend is erosive ... to the concept of marriage and detrimental to the spiritual ... , and the entire world. A marriage not registered with either the ... not a real marriage. The universal nature of marriage should become the ...

family , marriage

Lukashenko signed amendments to laws regulating marriage and family relations

... law which amends laws regulating marriage and family relations. The document ...

Lukashenko , decree , marriage , family

Same-sex marriages not officially allowed in India

... India has prohibited same-sex marriages – as announced by Chief Justice ... refused to amend the Special Marriage Law of 1954, in which ... marriage is considered a union between ... issue of changing the Special Marriage Law should be decided by ...

india , marriage

About 1,400 IVF procedures in Belarus paid for from state budget

In Belarus, state support for infertile married couples has been in effect since 2021: a man and a woman have access to a free vitro fertilisation attempt photo: According to Leonid Neden, from the Department of Medical Care for Mothers and Children at Belarus’ Healthcare Ministry, in 2021, IVF procedures at the expense of budgetary funds covered 884 married couples, and clinical pregnancy occurred in more than 30 percent of cases. From January-March 2022, over 500 IVF cases ...

ivf , family , marriage

Deputy explains the concept of marriage in Constitution

... his opinion – the concept of marriage as a union of a ... designation of the concept of marriage as a union of a ... Constitution outlines the norm of marriage as a union of a ... to clarify the definition of marriage in the Basic Law as ... a basis for termination of marriage. I would like to note ...

marriage , Constitution , opinion

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