Environmental pollution under discussion with Belarus’ participation in Nairobi

... session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-6) is being ... change, loss of the natural environment and biodiversity, as well as ...

Belarus , Kenya , environment , ecology , un , Vzyatkin , Khudyk

Environmental agencies of Belarus, China signed co-operation development roadmap

... the Minister of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic ... negative anthropogenic impact on the environment in order to ensure favourable ... , improve the state of the environment, as well as mitigate the ...

Belarus , china , nature , environment

We appreciate what we have

... about the state of the environment, the availability and use of ... Main Department of Agriculture and Environment Statistics of the National Statistical ... the careful attitude to the environment and water resources. The share ... has an impact on the environment. If you look at the ... costs aimed at protecting the environment. At the same time, most ... in the state of the environment. This indicates a balanced state ...

Belarus , environment , protection , statistics , ecology

Security of the environment and life

... state of protection of the environment, life and health of citizens ... , Aleksandr Lukashenko, “Respect for the environment should become a way of ... a favourable quality of the environment are provided for by the ... Saving’, ‘Comfortable Housing and Favourable Environment’. In addition, the national action ... we continue to protect the environment? The development of a strategy ...

national security , environment , Climate , pollution

Minister: extraction of mineral resources is growing in Belarus

As noted by Belarus’ Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Minister, Andrei Khudyk, a steady increase in mining of the main types of mineral raw materials in the country and a decrease in their imports were registered in the past five years “In 2016, Belarus extracted 104m tonnes of minerals, but the figure rose to 123m tonnes in 2021. At the same time, imports of raw materials decreased more than three times from 2016 to 2021: from 4.3m tonnes to 1.4m tonnes,” Mr. Khudyk informed.

environment , minerals

Egypt expressed readiness to liaise with Belarus in environmental protection

... met with Egyptian Minister of Environment Yasmine Fouad – as reported in ...

Belarus , Egypt , co-operation , environment , Foreign Ministry

Global drought damage made $13.2bn in H1 2022

From January-June 2022, a global damage caused by drought amounted to at least $13.2bn, TASS reports Photo: www.pixabay.com According to the Nikkei economic newspaper – which, in turn, refers to the Aon international insurance company, the EU countries have faced the worst drought in the last half century. It is registered in the west of the US, Pakistan and China. In China, due to the shallowing of rivers, electricity production at some hydroelectric power plants has decreased by almost 40 ...

environment , europe , climate

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