Scientists say area of global degradation exceeded size of Antarctica

... global area impacted by land degradation is 15 million square kilometres ... soils around the world are degrading at a rate of 1 ... ’. The main cause of land degradation is agriculture, which uses chemicals ... . As experts note, the most degraded areas are in southern Asia ...

Antarctica , nature , degradation

Hollywood finale. How ‘Dream Factory’ turned into a bubble

The once respectable and alluring Hollywood has recently become a goldmine for jokes: it is difficult to find a film among the Oscar favourites that does not include LGBT motives to one degree or another, which would not explore the dark aspects of various human pathologies... ‘Dream Factory’, manipulating the public opinion and imposing false ideas and symbols on viewers around the world, has rapidly lost its former authority. Perhaps, we are witnessing a complete ideological and ethical ...

Hollywood , ideological and ethical collapse , manipulation , public opinion , degradation , decline

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